Friday, January 9


Bushman World Ukulele Video Contest winner ~ link

Cory Doctorow on "Writing in the Age of Distraction" -- probably not what you'd expect a novelist to say. ~ link

Mother's Cookies have been saved, signaling a major economic turn-around in the US (or at least that's my interpretation of it.) Happy days are here again. ~ link (thx)

Minnesota's governor's goal -- by 2015, students in the state-run colleges would earn 25% of their credits online. ~ link

Rust-belt fixer-uppers going for $1,000 or under. ~ link

Fr Richard John Neuhaus died yesterday. Great mind, faithful servant. ~ link

Servanthood is an apt metaphor for leadership, but like many such terms, "servant leader" has become too familiar. It's lost its power to arrest our notice and become mostly buzz.

I propose an alternative: host. Jesus was playing host when he acted as servant to his followers and bathed their tired, dirtied feet. "Host" is actually fuller and better than "servant" as an expression of what the foot washer had to teach the leaders of his day, as the word connotes both leadership and service. ~ Barbara K. Olson
Indiana Wesleyan University has been given permission to offer the Master of Divinity degree. Interesting set-up. ~ link

CHET is going to offer its first online course in Biblical theology -- Spanish required ~ link

1 comment:

theultrarev said...

Love the uke video. Fabulous.