Thursday, January 15


Happy B-Day Kent!-- our now 23-yr-old who is with us on Guam for few more days before heading back to the US & then off to Korea for a 6-month teaching gig. He spent his special day getting in some last minute study for the GRE, which he takes tomorrow afternoon. We celebrate tomorrow night.

Some Fortune 500 companies are relying on psychics -- voodoo economics. That explains a lot. ~ link

$1 million/week for Guam's new dump site (you can insist we call it a "landfill" but it's still a dump) -- time to pay the piper for years and years of short-cuts, mismanagement, and political inertia. It eventually catches up with you. The governor says, it "would basically destroy our government and our ability to provide services." There has got to be an out-of-the-box solution. ~ link

She is BOTH a Benedictine nun and a Presbyterian minister. ~ link

Dave Olson has been selected as the nominee for the position of executive minister of the Department of Church Growth and Evangelism of the Evangelical Covenant Church. No surprise. Good choice. ~ link

Seth Godin thinks I'm boring. He's probably not the only one. Sometimes even I think I'm boring. ~ link

Google is killing off Google Notebook -- a tool I use regularly and would use more often if it were improved a bit. ~ link

1 comment:

Laura Springer said...

Bummer on Google Notebook. I used it extensively when researching my ThM thesis. Too bad they're leaving it as is.

Maybe there's another utility?