• The power is back on -- and as soon as the internet comes back up I'll hit the "publish post" button. If this were a third world country this constant battle to keep the infrastructure on Guam working would be understandable.
• There are indicators that the ancient people of what is now New Mexico were drinking coca as early as AD 1000. Previously it was thought that the cacao bean was introduced from Mexico in the 15th century. ~ link

• The California snow-pack is 61% of average for this time of the year. Water in the reservoirs is at 35% capacity. This is the third straight year of dry weather and California farmers are using the "D" word. Department of Water Resources Director Lester Snow says, "We may be at the start of the worst California drought in modern history..." This is bad news for both farmers and consumers. ~ link
• Cheryl was trying to complete our taxes but GovGuam Rev & Tax hasn't yet posted the 2008 forms -- one more act of nonfeasance. Perhaps they don't really need the money this year.
• Millard Fuller, the founder of Habitat for Humanity, has died. ~ link
• They've been telling us since 1996(!) that on February 17, 2009 the US would make the switch over to DTV. Now Congress and the president are trying to delay the transition from analog to digital. Apparently people haven't had enough time to prepare.
Don't coddle the whole class just because some people sitting in the back of the room have been dozing. They'll figure out what they need to do to catch up -- or they won't. Extending the deadline won't make any difference. It will just cost more money. ~ link

• Our just-turned-19 nephew Scott Bickerton has qualified to race for Canada during the World Junior Speed Skating Championships in Poland, February 20-21. That's cool.
• New Zealand's strange citrus ~ link
• American churches are becoming more ethnically diverse. ~ link
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