Sunday, March 7


Jim Hoisington, a friend from our life in Texas, suggested that this clip might be helpful for church planters. He's quite right. And I'd add that anyone wanting to connect with people, including most pastors, might find it a nudge in the right direction. Of course, by sending this message via YouTube through a blog I'm more or less preaching to the choir.

✽ There is a new Twitter feed for Evangelical Covenant Church news. ~ link

No, you were not supposed to reset your clock last night. That happens to many people early next Sunday morning -- when California changes to Arizona time. Like Guam, Arizona does not participate in daylight savings time.

$11.4 million wedding ~ link

Arizona CityFest is starting to take shape with some online presence -- Website | Twitter | Facebook | MySpace | YouTube | Vimeo | flickr. Wow, just keeping all those connections going will be a full-time job for a few dozen people.

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