Thursday, March 18


The Anglican School of Ministry is now partnering with the London School of Theology and their MA program. They also partner with South African Theological Seminary to offer the MTh.

Guam is the world’s leading consumer per capita of Spam. ~ link

✽ The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California has ordered a home Bible study group of 15 people to stop meeting unless they get a conditional use permit from them. ~ link

✽ "Millions of Facebook users say they avoid uploading photos and remove their name from all pictures of them on the site because they feel too fat, old or ugly." -- Frankly, I don't care if anyone thinks I'm old, fat, and ugly. But I just get tired of seeing my face every time I load up Facebook or Twitter. ~ link

So, you want to learn to speak Chamorro. ~ link

Davy Crockett has died. Fess Parker was a TV legend. ~ link

✽ The Chinese Union Version of the Bible has been updated for the first time since 1919. The Revised Chinese Union Version (RCUV) is the result. The revision was necessary not just because of changes in the language but also modern Chinese characters are now fewer and simpler than they were in 1919. ~ link

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