✽ I've lived enough to understand both sides of the debate. But I more often than not end up siding with the younger folk on this one. Quit whining and you'll enjoy the multiculti ride! Read Damien Cave in the NY Times: "Forget sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll; immigration is a new generational fault line." ~ link
✽ This has some people in Oz worried.
By 2050, Australia’s 22-million population is projected to grow to almost 36 million, an increase of 65 percent — making it the fastest growing industrialized country in the world, according to the Population Reference Bureau in Washington.✽ "A New Tip: Honour Your Pastor, And Your Church Will Grow" -- I'd rephrase it slightly. Through words and actions give your people enough credit that they feel free to innovate and initiate, without putting a pastor at the center of everything, and the churches will grow in ways that the pastors cannot yet immagine. ~ link
The rate of expansion will be even higher than India’s, and almost double the world’s average, which is predicted to be 38 percent. The only country whose population is growing more than Australia is Saudi Arabia. ~ link
✽ Tattoonomics, Part I -- Why do people get tattoos? ~ link
RE Tattoos: I just wish I could be around in another 50 years to see what these tattoos will look like on all those withered, elderly bodies in nursing homes. Not a pretty sight.
I keep playing with the idea that I may get a tattoo. If it happens, be sure to locate Jerome Horwitz (google him) on the back of my left shoulder.
I wonder what the line is you cross to go from disagreeing to whining?
When it comes to immigration issues the primary issue is no organism, from a single cell to a nation can exist without functioning boundaries. It is about boundaries and the ability to define who you are as person or state or nation.
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