Saturday, September 11



  The modern Language Association has an interactive language map which shows how many people speak a language in a particular area. ~ link

✽  Since someone has decided that 9-11 should now be called "Patriot Day" I'll offer my definition of a patriot. A true patriot does not care so much about flying the colors, reciting a pledge, or singing an anthem, rather, quite simply, a true patriot is someone who is enamored with the well being of his or her people.

  Have you seen the Foursome Trivia Challenge on Sweeplee? ~ link

✽  Signs of fall:
  • The tap water is once again cool (more or less).
  • It was cool enough that I could start planting again: white pomegranate, dragon fruit, crescent orange, garlic, pineapples...
  • Cheryl and I were actually starting to feel a little cool out there on the patio, under the misters @ Rubios last night.

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