> CONFIRMED sighting of an ocelot in southern Arizona -- very cool ~ link
> THAT'S one hot roll-over 40,000 pounds of chili peppers spilled in I-10 ~ ABC15
> PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE -- "Report says Arizona isn't doing enough to prepare for new health care reform law" ~ ABC15
> PHYLLIS TICKLE -- beyond denominations, "the hyphenated church":
If scholars are right—or even in the ballpark– by 2050, emergence Christianity will be the largest group among church cultures, says Phyllis Tickle in an interview with ThinkFwd host, Spencer Burke. That means larger than any particular denomination, and this change is occurring fast. Phyllis says she became aware of the “emergence church” only about two years ago, and the phenomena of emergence-, emergent-, emerging-church has only been around about four years. But Tickle believes that traditional churches have only about 18 months before the window of opportunity to reach out to emergence churches changes into a door of urgent, mandatory response to the changing paradigm of church as we know it. ~ The Ooze> CONFLICTING VISIONS of the future church -- "...In Soong-Chan’s view, it is not Christianity that is collapsing but rather the Western-, White-culture Christianity that’s rooted in suburban, upper middle-class, politicized culture—whether the mega church or emerging church..." ~ The Ooze
> BILLIONAIRE giving away milk in NYC ~ Huff
> TEETOTALERS ROCK! "A new study shows that record numbers of incoming college freshman are entering their undergraduate careers as teetotalers... Outside the Classroom, a non-profit organization focused on alcohol education on college campuses, found that between 2006 and 2010 the number of incoming students who'd never imbibed jumped from 32% to 62%." Those are significant numbers. ~ Time
> CILANTRO SOUP looks interesting ~ link
> NEW COOLER iPad now in production ~ WSJ
> SRP is giving away an old-style iPad. ~ link
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