Tuesday, March 1


> TODAY IS "National Pancake Day" and they're giving them away at IHOP. I think they're trying to promote the week before Shrove Tuesday (March 6th this year) as a pancake week. ~ link

WILL KINDLES soon be free? ~ link

> THE SAN FRANCISCO Public Utilities Commission has been encouraging consumers to adopt low-flow toilets. Now they have sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes -- and stench in some places. ~ link

THE PHOENIX Police Department has admitted to inflating kidnapping statistics for 2008. ~ link

HAVE YOU painted your grass yet? (In a couple of months it will all green up naturally.) ~ link

THE PHOENIX bottled water drive starts today. ~ link

IT WOULD BE SILLY to condemn Rob Bell's comments about his new book. I'm still not sure what he's saying. ~ link

19 DAYS until the Arizona City Fest with Luis Palau begins. ~ link

"BAJA ARIZONA is a 'state of mind.'" ~ link

SOME PEOPLE tweet like it's their full-time job. The Ecumenical Patriarch balances them out. ~ link

INCREASINGLY, in spite of legal protections, church buildings are being zoned out. Communities don't want them in commercial districts because that negatively affects the tax base. Neighborhoods don't want them because they "disturb their peace." ~ link

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