IT MUST BE some pension those Wisconsin retirees are getting. "A retired prison guard ate his 25,000th Big Mac on Tuesday, 39 years to the day after eating his first ... nine..." Let's see, at $3.75 a piece x 25K, adjusted for inflation = whatever... That's no small chunk of change. Good thing he doesn't live in Norway. I understand that a Big Mac there is about $8 a piece (or 50¢ per bite). ~ AZ Central
SCAPEGOAT -- A five-year study commissioned by the Roman Catholic bishops in the US "to provide

ELECTRIC CARS might actually become a money maker for their owners by pushing electricity back into the grid. At least some researchers consider it feasible. ~ The Economist

CHINESE GHOST CITIES -- Yet another story on the underpopulated, but investment-heavy "ghost cities." Could they become the hidden monkey wrench in the otherwise robust Chinese economy? I'm no expert but my guess is that the calculated risk will eventually pay-off. All demographic indicators point that direction. ~ Huff
NEW STUDY: Close to 30% of the internet activity in US homes during the evening hours invoves Netflix. That is a lot of social and cultural influence. ~ link
ALL THREE volumes of Christian Theology
THIS IS A MILD WEEK in the desert. High of 79° today. For all the whining we do about summer heat it is helpful to remember that the summers are actually relatively short and most of the year is pleasant -- like this.
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