Wednesday, June 29

Wednesday Notes

  • Tim, one of the most steady people I know, sounds "concerned" about all of the changes in his company.

  • It looks like Kent spent the day posting a picture gallery of his first year at UCI.

  • How is it that when I play the uke it doesn't sound at all like Jake Shimabukuro?

  • The Modesto Bee asked me on Monday if they could include my blog on their community bloggers page. This new section of their website went online this morning.

  • Wainer Guimaraes, pastor of The Bridge Covenant Church in Riverbank, along with his wife, Magui, were commissioned at the annual meeting of the ECC last week, to begin the Covenant's work in Brazil. Wainer and Magui are both originally from Brazil.

    Wainer is a friend and has been an important part of our North San Joaquin Valley cluster of Covenant pastors.

  • Another volley in the valley dairy wars -- The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District is claiming that gassy dairy cows have again passed cars as the biggest source of smog-making volatile organic compounds in our valley. The happy California cows seem oblivious to the accusations but their owners are ticked. See my previous posts on this controversy -- 6/30/04 & 5/14/05

    Sean Meade said...

    i liked Kent's pix. looks like he's the whitest kid in his crowd by a long shot :-)

    i keep waiting for some local something to list me among area webloggers, or do an article or something, but nada! i am the most prolific Blogger user in SC! ;-)

    Brad Boydston said...

    Kent got into UC Irvine as a part of an under the radar affirmative action program that the state runs for kids who have at least some Swedish heritage. :-)