CARL BRAATEN'S stinging letter to Mark Hanson. There is something truly sad when so many people feel that they have been forced out of the church they grew up in and have served.
THE CHINESE have a plan -- off-shore wind-power. Creative. Link
IS THERE A GoogleNet in the future? Free Wi-Fi for the masses, say the tea leaf readers.
FIREFOX IS STARTING to lose market share -- Microsoft gains. I suspect the growing awareness that in spite of its many strengths Firefox has its own security issues along with programming quirks plays into it. Link
SO, YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED to go to Harvard? Their extension school has been growing at a mighty pace. Educational access for ordinary people -- who have the money. Link
WE'RE KEEPING THE DENTIST employed. Last week Kent had his wisdom teeth removed. Then Kirk had surgery to remove a tooth. This morning Betsy had her wisdom teeth extracted. Fortunately, we have more than enough ice packs to go around.
SO WHERE DOES ONE sign-up for all of these perks for bloggers? Link
Re:Braaten's letter. It's a shame that historical, cultural and sociological issues (in my evaluation) join together to keep theology from being the only difference between the ELCA and the LCMS. On the surface and as, essentially, an outsider, it seems strange to me that faithful ELCA pastors and theologs wouldn't see the LCMS as an attractive alternative to their home denomination. Seems like it would be a natural. But I suspect it's those historic and sociocultural things that prevent them from remaining in the Lutheran tradition in the LCMS. But what do I know? I am on the staff of a church that's part of a movement many view as renegades within the LCMS - the "Pastoral Leadership Institute" or PLI - see http://pli-leader.org
The PLI model - growing and healthy churches becoming mentors to pastors and churches striving to be more healthy and vibrant - is a model that many groups including our own could well benefit from.
oops. I left out the www's.
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