APPARENTLY MONEY CAN BUY HAPPINESS, but only if you make more money than most of your age peers. If this is the case, why am I so happy?
SOME MIGHT ARGUE that happiness is tied to being able to afford a house in SoCal -- which fewer and fewer people are able to do. Prices just took another major leap.

THE END OF SMALL BUSINESSES -- It's nothing personal, just the change in the landscape making it harder to survive. Link
OUR GREATEST LOSS on 9-11 was our common sense. Yet another example
1. Thanks for the referral to the story.
2. RE: 9-11. As I recall, there have been a number of people who should have been the list that were able to make it on to airplanes. It's a good thing people are devoting their time to making sure infants can't fly.
Still, as changes are considered in how we try to protect ourselves against terrorists, we better make sure we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Although letting them fly seems like it would be OK.
I see that the DHS or the TSA has announced this week that it will no longer be illegal to bring razor knives or ice picks on airplanes. Don't you feel safer? Just who are these travellers who have been inconvenienced by these limitations? And why did they need ice picks and razor blades on airplanes?
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