My brother, Greg, found an online radio station that he thought I'd like. He was right. The playlist spans over 1000 eclectic years -- Handel, Bach, choral polyphony from the Renaissance, English choral... All "classical" renderings of sacred text.

My other brother, Gary, and his wife, Joy, took a trip down to Chattanooga on Sunday and found the Boydston family cemetery. (I know that it's highly unusual to have your own family cemetery but none of the other cemeteries were really happy about taking in Boydstons -- so what could the ancestors do?) Our particular branch of the Boydston clan hails from that part of Tennessee.
Gary sent along a few pictures, including the one here. The earliest engraved date in the pictures he sent was 1828.
I have a webpage with family history -- which I'm sure you'll all rush to see. Just remember, this is a blog of random stuff that I find interesting. :-)
I mentioned the other day that they are putting in traffic control lights at the intersection of Crowell Road and Christoffersen Parkway -- in front of our church building. I am now aware of
What I think happens is that people see the structures and notice that the lights are NOT RED. (They aren't green or yellow either. They are not functioning yet.) And in their minds they just jump to the conclusion that no red light means it must be green. They're so confident of what is theirs that they don't even look at the four-way stop signs.
It gives the towing companies something to do.
I received a letter from Saddleback Church yesterday. Across the front of the #10 envelope was printed the words "a personal message from Rick Warren." So, I guess I can say that Rick is a "personal" friend of mine. (Actually, we did walk across the stage together -- both graduating with our DMin degrees from Fuller in June 1993.) I should just call him up to chat -- and find out why he mailed my "personal" message with a non-profit bulk permit. If I didn't like the guy so much (he is genuine and unpretentious) I'd become cynical. The mailing has to do with the church's work to eliminate AIDS in Africa.
As wonderful and important as all of the efforts by Bono, the IMF, governments, NGO's, and churches are -- if the the corruption isn't tamed nothing will change. The culture of corruption is the single greatest factor in keeping Africa poor.
What Africa needs as much as debt relief is a change of the heart. And the church can be a catalyst for that kind of change. But even in the church we are going to have to develop more theological and personal depth. When movements grow fast (as the church has in Africa) they don't necessarily grow deep. Depth takes time and nurture -- whether in Africa, Asia, or America. See Tony Carnes' excellent summary in CT.
There is an endeavor in the LA area to encourage people to grow fruit along their property lines and to allow people who need it to harvest it. Their website includes maps.
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