The Washington Post reports on a new Pew study:

+ Dog and cat owners are equally happy, but no more so than the petless.
+ Republicans and churchgoers have more pep in the step than Democrats and those who prefer to sleep late on Sunday.
+ White evangelical Protestants report they are happiest: 43 percent say they are very happy.+ Thirty-eight percent of churchgoing Catholics report being "very happy."
+ Thirty-six percent of whites and 34 percent of Hispanics report they are very happy. Both groups report being happier in greater numbers than do African Americans, of whom 28 percent report being very happy.
+ Americans are convinced that more money makes for more happiness. "Reported happiness rises in a nearly straight line through eight levels of annual family income..."Report Summary from Pew Research Center
1 comment:
Interesting. Yet Scripture says that there are those who are poor in the eyes of the world and rich in faith. I've heard accounts of joyful worshiping in "third world" churches by poor and suffering believers.
"Happy" too. Certainly "blessed" in the Bible does not necessarily exclude being "happy". But one may be going through numerous difficulties that are unhappy in themselves, yet be blessed.
I guess blessedness would include a contentedness that is able to laugh and enjoy God's gifts even in the midst of adversities.
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