Many of you know that Cheryl and I have applied to become Covenant project missionaries who would serve in Micronesia for 3-5 years. The goal is to sell our house, uproot, and move to Guam in time for the fall semester. One of the key aspects of this project will be my teaching of pastoral and leadership preparation classes at a small non-denominational school called Pacific Islands Bible College. Detailed information about the project is available at guam.boydston.us.
Last week we both went through what is called level-2 vocational assessment. That is a three day psychological evaluation which is now required of all career or project missionaries. It was a great experience and would be something which all mid-career pastor and spouses might find very encouraging and beneficial. Anyway, we passed (as hard as it might be to believe).
Our next step is to meet with the World Mission Board in Chicago on Saturday, March 11th. If they approve us, we will then be free to raise money. All project missionaries raise their own support and we will be relying on the mission-driven generosity of congregations and individuals for the time that we plan on serving in Guam.
My term as president of the Covenant Ministerium will be up in June so I will be handing that off to either Tom Ek or Heidi Wiebe (the two excellent candidates on the ballot for that position -- I'm really excited about the ballot -- really qualified candidates with hearts for the whole Ministerium). This means I will also be done with the Board of the Ordered Ministry. And, if all goes according to plan, we will be commissioned as missionaries at the ECC annual meeting. (June is a big month for us since our youngest will also graduate from high school and our oldest from university).
If you'd like to be on our Encouragement Team -- prayer and/or financial supporters send me email at brad@boydston.us and I'll put you on the email list so that you can receive periodic updates. Send me your snail mail address, too, please.
Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to work through this process. There is a lot to do in a little time.
P.S. PIBC needs at least 3 or 4 additional teachers. If you want to find out about the school, which is very similar to Covenant Bible College, except it is a four year degree granting school, check out their website (a little outdated but helpful) and send me email. It would be a fun conversation.
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