Friday, April 20


~ The US government can and should do something about global warming -- but it shouldn't be at a cost to its citizens, according to poll results released this week. Sounds like the old "We want more service at less cost" routine. We're so silly.

~ Yes there is life after the pageant. Miss America (1944) is in the news again after she used a .38 caliber handgun to shoot out the tires of an intruder on her farm -- while balancing on her walker. At least she didn't miss and shoot the intruder -- or herself.

~ is reporting that eHarmony for Kids has gone nationwide. Do consider the source before rushing out to sign your child up for a potential mate.

~ To be taken much more seriously is Don Johnson reporting on what Covenant pastors want.

~ Rick Mansfield is looking for the source of this somewhat esoteric theology joke:
Two Dispensationalists walk into an Amillennial bar. The bartender looks up and says, "What? You guys are still here?"

~ Google's newest thing -- web history -- keeps a record of where you've been surfing.
Hmmm... If you keep the record someone someday will find a reason to subpoena it.

What? Me -- paranoid?

~ Now they're telling us that the notion that women use more words than men is a complete fabrication. But what about all those studies reported in the textbooks? I guess you just can't believe everything you read -- even in college. (Which, of course, is one of the first things you learn in college.)

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