Sunday, April 22


Thunderbird 2 logo~ There are so many Internet interruptions on Guam that I decided I need to keep a local file of all my gmail (that way I can at least refer to my old emails when the system is down). In the past I've used the Eudora email client -- which I love. But they're going through a lot of change right now. So I decided to download Mozilla's new Thunderbird 2. Wow, very powerful. It was so easy to set-up with gmail that I kept thinking I hadn't jumped through enough hoops. It was way too easy. If they had better shortcuts for creating filters I'd be 100% satisfied. Even with that shortcoming it's a great client. I'm 99% satisfied.

~ So, I found this Rescue From Gilligan's Island DVD in the bargain stack at Kmart. They just don't make movies like they used to. That's probably a good thing. But if anyone wants to come over I'd be glad to watch it again.

~ The Government of Guam is still working on processing tax returns for the year 2004. Those who are expecting a return for 2006 may have to wait awhile. The best way to deal with this ongoing problem is, if you have a return due, simply apply that amount to the next year's taxes and adjust current withholding accordingly.

~ Worth a look: Dan Clendenin's introduction to the Book of Revelation.

~ Ferrell Naputi, a friend from the Methodist Church, invited Cheryl and me to his family's fiesta down in the Village of Merizo this afternoon. The Chamorros are not only very hospitable but they can cook, too! As an addition to their spread Cheryl brought some of her triple-fudge brownies -- which seemed to be a hit. At least they all disappeared fairly rapidly.


Rick said...

Here's a question, prompted by the fact that I spent a dollar on a similar DVD. Does yours have the theme music and incidental music on it? Mine does not, and I speculate it is because they didn't own the rights to the music so they stripped it out and ran the movie without music.

Brad Boydston said...

Mine has all the music. Come on over for a 3-hour-tour and watch it sometime.