Tuesday, August 26


The flags of Guam and Hawaii are among the 10 flags featured in set #2 of the USPS "flags of our nation" series to be issued September 2nd. ~ link

More on David Scholer -- service will be at First Baptist Church of Pasadena, 2 p.m., Saturday, August 30. ~ link

Plano, Texas -- America's most affluent city ~ link

Oh my -- I pulled my guitar out to play a bit this evening in anticipation of our LCG music leadership team's first fall practice tomorrow night. And I realized that I haven't played all summer. I've been playing uke but not guitar and my fingers are going to be raw and sore. The ukulele is so much kinder and gentler.

Mikey likes it! Michael Spencer, who is a vocal Southern Baptist, is pretty pumped about Concordia Press' upcoming unapologetically Lutheran Treasury of Daily Prayer. ~ link

Racism on the golf course -- "The LPGA will require its member golfers to learn and speak English and will suspend their membership if they don't comply." Bad slice! Fore! Lawsuit on the horizon! ~ link (via)
CFL difuser
Finally, something that makes CFLs appear slightly (but not a lot) less ugly. ~ link

Persecution of Christians in India -- the list ~ link

Chinese people discovering fortune cookies -- "Americans are so strange, why are they putting pieces of paper in their cookies?" -- fun short video. ~ link

The world IS changing -- MLB gets instant replay starting tomorrow ~ link

iGoogle Seige Day 2 -- My iGoogle page is still under the control of the mad scientists at Google Labs. They are forcing me to deal with the left navigation experiment -- a harebrained scheme where they place a left column that you don't want on your iGoogle page to watch how you respond. The "experiment" also messes with the way that the content is displayed -- creating a more cluttered appearance -- and a less-pleasurable experience.


lindaruth said...

on the article you linked to yesterday, I noticed that someone shared in the comments a way to get rid of the left column -- maybe that would help. I haven't had this happen yet, so that's all I know.

Brad Boydston said...

So far those solutions haven't worked. I'm guessing that they did work on previous versions of the experiment and that Google has simply closed those back doors once they realized they were open.

Rev. Paul T. McCain said...

More good comments on the Treasury are beginning to roll in. So far everyone who has had a chance to examine the pre-publication review copy is blown away.

What Others Are Saying

“In my library there is a shelf filled with precious and regularly used reference books. Although the Treasury of Daily Prayer could sit amongst those volumes, instead it occupies a permanent place of prominence upon my desk. Why? A quick scan will show the Treasury of Daily Prayer is more than its simple name implies. Treasury of Daily Prayer is nothing less than a spiritual pacemaker which can bring a steady rhythm to an irregular devotional life.

“Using the loom of the church year, CPH has woven a seamless cloth for prayer. Taking readings from Scripture, texts from hymns and appropriate threads from the Confessions and Church Fathers, they have created a wondrous tapestry leading to prayerful worship.”
--Rev. Kenneth R. Klaus
Speaker, The Lutheran Hour

“Finally, we have something for daily use both in the parish and in the home.”
--Pastor William Cwirla, Hacienda Heights, CA

"Thank you for having made my Christmas shopping . . . far easier this year.”
--Ken from Ballwin, MO

“Daily individual and family devotions are not an alternative to the worship of the church, but a part of it. Treasury of Daily Prayer integrates daily devotional life into the pattern of the church year, and offers the discipline of structured daily offices to carry Sunday’s worship through the week. It would make an ideal confirmation gift, providing a single source of prayers, catechesis, and lectionary to nourish the faith.”
--Pastor Reg Quirk
Chairman, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of England (ELCE)

“I am so impressed and excited about the release of this new material, that I have gone ahead and ordered two copies (one for myself and the other for my wife). I now have to wait until the FedEx truck arrives at my door. . . . Can't wait to get my hands on it.”
--Kyle Wright, Stafford, VA

“All I can say is: prepare to be blown away! The good folks who have worked on this have produced something that I have never seen in the whole of Lutheran liturgical history: a daily office book and so much more in a SINGLE volume.”
--Pastor William Weedon, Hamel, IL

“I think this will be the single best resource the Church has ever seen for family devotions. I fully expect to use this book everyday with my family.”
--Pastor David Petersen, Fort Wayne, IN