Friday, December 19

I must be living under a rock

tongue cleaner

I'd never seen one of
these until I spotted
it in the grocery store
tonight. At first glance
I thought it had to do
with the preparation of
some local cuisine. But
then I saw that it is a
"best seller." What will
they think of next?


therealkimaliczi said...

I have one, and I use it. With the amount of coffee I consume, you'd be glad I did! LOL :)

Beth B said...

Eeeww. Scary!

Sean Meade said...

not scary at all, nor new. tongue scrapers are the best way to remove sulfites from your tongue, which cause most of bad breath. i have one and use it. follow with mouthwash, you're good to go.

try it and see all of the sulfites that come off of your tongue, even after brushing your tongue.