Thursday, December 18


I can see why Nate Barksdale is captivated by Joe Pug -- déjà vu old style Bob Dylan or even Woody Guthrie. ~ link

I came across a whole series of free online study courses from They're heavy into basic IT and computer skills. The have courses in finance, safety, health, typing skills, psychometeric testing, basic study skills, and basic business English. They're getting ready to add more English. ~ link

18% of American households rely solely on cell phones -- completely forgoing landline service. 63% of households of unmarried unrelated adults don't do landlines. ~ link

Wow. Fortuitous. "Drillers looking for geothermal energy in Hawaii have inadvertently put a well right into a magma chamber. Molten rock pushed back up the borehole several meters before solidifying, making it perfectly safe to study." ~ link

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the great things about not having a land line is that you don't get calls from marketers and politicians. How much will skype, etc. take away from landlines?