• Francis of Assisi was a great orator and apparently never said "Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words." I've always wondered about that. ~ link
• A traditional Orange County church has morphed into a house church network ~ link
• Updated to Google Chrome 3.0 -- still no support for Google bookmarks. But it zips. ~ link
• Google is tweaking their logo again. ~ link
• "US Mangoes" (with "Product of Mexico" stickers) are 90¢/lb at the grocery store. We had a great lunch at Lumpia House in Barrigada and they sent us home with a couple of extra local mangoes for free.
• US malls are in deep trouble -- "dead-mall roster" could exceed 100 properties by the end of 2009. I'd argue that it's not just the recession but a change in the way that people shop -- and hang-out. ~ link
• My wife says that I'm not allowed to buy more stringed instruments for awhile. But if some anonymous person sent me a purple Fluke I'm sure she wouldn't be upset. She likes purple and I like Flukes. ~ link
"US malls are in deep trouble" mentions Metcalf South in Overland Park, KS. I recall vividly riding my bike to the property when they were constructing it (1967-8?). The mind-set and culture of that time led me to believe that it would always be busy and growing. I imagined the "future" like one of the 1964 New York Worlds Fair exibitions (GE?) I saw a few years earlier where bubble-covered monorails and flying cars would navigate around it.
Ralph Winter was a truly original and free-thinking man. He proved that physical age was not connected to mental acuity. I loved his thought-provoking writing and view on missions and life. Heaven's gain...our loss.
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