1. On November 11th Tim Beals the executive editor of Mosaic will be a guest here, answering your questions.
2. I want to send him your questions by November 1st. Email me with any questions you might have by that date. (Ask him questions that you might have about Mosaic, the NLT translation, Tyndale's approach to publishing... Be creative. They can be tough questions. He can handle it.)
3. Make sure you include your snail-mail address with the email because we will be randomly selecting a winner from among those emails.
We all know that this rolling blog tour is a promotional event organized by Tyndale House. They're very good at that and have made a concerted effort to tap into the blogosphere. But it's also an opportunity to get the ear of the people calling some of the shots at Tyndale. They are accessible, gracious, and competent -- and I'm sure that Tim will take your questions seriously.
Question: Do you believe this translation will fit the context of other English speaking countries such as Australia? As of today (21 OCT) there are no copies available in the two major Christian book retailers in Australia. Their websites indicate 12-14 weeks delivery as it must be ordered from America. If it is suitable then when will it be introduced to the Australian market?
As an American living in Australia, I find that many many theological works are so locked into the American context that they are almost insulting to outsiders who try to use them. I find myself reading and translating into the Australian context before using them with my congregations.
While a realize the market is small here, surely we should not be forgotten during the publishing process. This comment is not against Tyndale specifically but all American publishers. A quick look at my theology bookshelf reveals that most of the books that I use are from the UK for contextual reasons.
Thanks and prayers,
Linda Hamill
The greatest weakness of the NLT is that it is too American. And I'm not just talking about the spelling. But there are Americanisms and American idiomatic expressions. Of course, that isn't really a weakness -- if you're in the States.
My sense is that the CEV global edition (2004) will resonate better with non-American readers who are wanting a dynamic equivalence translation. But that can be so generic at times that it doesn't click.
There is no reason that Aussies can't step up to the plate and develop a DE translation which better communicates in Oz.
No single translation can cover all the bases.
There is an Aussie Bible - http://orders.koorong.com/search/details.jhtml?code=0647508486.
There are also people who do this on blogshttp://www.laughingbird.net/ComingWeeks.html
So it is being done. There are beginning to be loads of good theology books written here as well that actually speak in a language that may suit everyone but they do not get attention in America.
But just having Aussie's work for Aussies misses the point in a global world. It also misses the point of making disciples of all nations (Mat 28: 19) The issue does not only apply to Bible translations but studies and resources for worship. I would like to be able to use some of the American works without the huge effort of recontextualizing. There is a gap between America and the rest of the world. America only produces for Americans and information and experiences should go both ways. I fear Americans are missing a whole world of good ideas.
Hmm, suspect there was some bate in your response, Brad, and you got a good bite :)
I love her passion
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