Thursday, January 28

Glad to be home

I HAD a great time in Denver (so many great conversations and interesting people at Covenant events) but I am soooo glad to be back home in Phoenix. There is some catching up to do. A special thanks to my students who kept turning in work while I was gone. I'll start reading it tomorrow. But it will take time to catch up.

Other projects on my "immediate to-do" list:
  • repair flat on Cheryl's bike
  • readjust brakes on my bike
  • finish PowerPoint and hand-outs for the Intro to the Bible presentation on Sunday night
  • check the art-proofs on the MasterPiece Church t-shirts
  • find canopy for our table at the Laveen Pit BBQ (February 21st)
  • order banner for the display
  • order candy to sell at the BBQ (raising $ for Haiti relief)
  • develop MasterPiece information card for BBQ
  • hang-out at McDonald's and meet some more people
  • send out this week's Brushstrokes e-letter
  • plant two more calamansi trees in the yard

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