Saturday, March 6

Missional church

Jeff Maguire's two minute explanation of the missional church. As JR Woodward says, "Pretty good for two minutes."

More fodder for the discussion:
...Church is not a part of life for the missional Jesus follower; it is a way of life with others who are on a similar journey.

The missional life shows up in every endeavor, because the church has been sent by God into the world to reflect his heart for the world. This is what it means to be on a mission with God, partnering with God. It is not a mission that is pursued as something added to daily life, something outside the normal range of activity, a quest to do something beyond life's assignments. It is a way of seeing oneself as partnering with God in daily life, executing the mundane as well as pursuing the sublime, with an intentionality of blessing people and sharing the life of God with them. ~ Reggie McNeal in Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church

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