Thursday, March 4


JD Payne is doing a tweet-a-thon to highlight the influence of missiologist Roland Allen (.pdf).

Send some of those "curry people" our way! There are lots of vacancies in Phoenix and I definitely miss the smell of cooking curry wafting through the neighborhood, as it did on our street in Turlock. ~ link

★ Wooo... Betel nut has been banned in the Marshall Islands. That is a gutsy move. ~ link

The late North Korean dictator, Kim Il Sung, "while publicly denouncing 'Western decadence and imperialism' -- had an extensive luxury car collection that included Mercedes, Lincolns, Fords, Cadillacs and Citroens," according to a tell-all book by Col Kim Jong Ryul. The former North Korean military aid spent 16 years under cover in Austria buying stuff for the dictator and his family. ~ link

ECHO is fantastic -- creative micro scale (think tires) sustainable farming en route to refugees in Haiti ~ News Video | ECHO Website

★ In Great Britain they're using classical music as a tool for social control and a deterrent to bad behavior. No wonder young people loathe it! ~ link (via)

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