✽ We're fooling ourselves if we think that we're actually changing the world because we've joined a Facebook cause.
✽ "The black church is dead" -- Perhaps the white church will soon become history, too. We can hope. ~ link (via)
✽ There are still 5 million people paying AOL for dial-up. ~ link
✽ "A nationwide referendum is taking place in Switzerland on a proposal to give animals the constitutional right to be represented in court." ~ link
✽ The latest e-letter from MasterPiece Church is online. ~ link
✽ Also, check out the tattoo on the MasterPiece website. A college student had one of the circles from James Choung's gospel presentation inked into her foot.
✽ 2 million people are homeless in Chile after the earthquake. Winter is quickly approaching. ~ link
✽ "Only 0.3% of total Christian expenditure is actually directed towards unevangelized non-Christians." ~ link
✽ So, why would anyone stand in line on April 3rd to pay full-price for an iPad, when in a few months the same machine, with the inevitable initial kinks fixed, will be selling for less? Be practical. It looks great but it's still just a machine. ~ link
✽ Fr Ernesto Obregon, the Cuban-born Orthodox priest, speaking through his online alter-ego, Fr Orthoduck, has some keen insight into how to make peace in the Middle-East. ~ link
✽ Richard Mouw on "staying faithful to Genesis 1" -- Exactly, except that many misunderstand when they hear someone say that we shouldn't take Genesis 1 literally. They think that they're saying people shouldn't take it authoritatively or that the credibility of the message is somehow in question. To the contrary, when we read our own cultural assumptions (in our case modernism) into the text without first hearing what was originally being said we're not taking the Bible or its message seriously enough.
✽ Overhauling Detroit for a positive future -- shrink it, raze lots of it, re-farm much of it. ~ link
I helped an older gentleman with his computer last week. He's on AOL dialup. It almost made me nostalgic to hear the screech of a modem again.
I do love my Facebook Causes, though, because it makes it easy for them to communicate what action steps I need to do without cluttering up my e-mail. And we just got the Phoenix Christians For Biblical Equality site up and running on FB, which will be a big (free) help! Fan us if you'd like. ;)
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