✽ Serious crime in the US has dropped -- significantly -- in spite of the recession ~ link

✽ No matter what you do to him, it's hard to make Hitler work for your cause. And there is really no good reason that you'd want to try. ~ BBC News
✽ The House Church Revolution! is a free 50-page book available online. Frankly, I think that the house church advocates tend to over-simplfy history and read too much of their agenda into scripture. However, from a missional standpoint house churches can be a great option and should be taken as seriously as other expressions. Even if you don't buy into the whole package there is a lot to learn from this simple introduction by Rad Zdero. ~ link
✽ Bookmark: "Ten Rules to Create Engaging Elearning" ~ link
✽ With so much bad news coming from Thailand this month here is a good news story to put things in perspective -- "Thai AIDS Victims Find New Life, Hope" ~ link
✽ The Mexican Embassy has issued a statement in response to President Obama's decision to send 1,200 more soldiers to the border:
Regarding the Administration’s decision to send 1,200 National Guard servicemen to the US Southern border, the Government of Mexico trusts that this decision will help to channel additional US resources to enhance efforts to prevent the illegal flows of weapons and bulk cash into Mexico, which provide organized crime with its firepower and its ability to corrupt.
Additionally, the Government of Mexico expects that National Guard personnel will strengthen US operations in the fight against transnational organized crime that operates on both sides of our common border and that it will not, in accordance to its legal obligations, conduct activities directly linked to the enforcement of immigration laws... ~ link
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