✽ Are you really leading a minimalist lifestyle if you have a laptop, an iPad, an Amazon Kindle, and two external hard drives? Relatively speaking I suppose so -- but you can accumulate a lot of stuff on hard drives. Absolutely no criticism intended. ~ Boing Boing
✽ North Korea is now tweeting. As they plug into the rest of the world perhaps they'll figure out that no one means them harm. ~ link
✽ I've now finished episode 11 of season 1 of the Australian Navy drama Sea Patrol. They are about to launch their fifth season so I've got some catching up to do. Grateful for Hulu, which may go public soon. ~ Fast Company
✽ The quest for cool hipster Christianity has been noticed by the Wall Street Journal ~ WSJ
✽ 40% of taxes in US are paid by 1% of the people -- those known as millionaires. ~ link
✽ Seth Godin pegs it with "the fear tax." ~ link

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