> Habitat for Humanity has figured out that buying foreclosed homes is often cheaper than building new ones. ~ CP
> "The McVictim syndrome could kill us -- Americans want to blame others for the obesity epidemic. The truth? It's our own fault." ~ LA Times
> Latif’s restaurant is celebrating 50 years at the same location in Turlock. I do miss that place and those people. ~ link

> Another Mexican friend (a US citizen) has moved to California -- weary of getting hassled in Arizona. Thank you Governor Brewer, Sheriff Joe, and 1070 supporters.
Sometimes it is not so much what we say but how we say it that creates the problem. Even though 1070 itself hangs in court-limbo right now, it has effectively communicated to a group of people that they are not welcome here. And certain police agencies are more aggressive at hassling Mexicans than others. They interpret the community support of 1070 as a mandate from the people to step-up the hassling -- even though the law itself is unenforceable.
For those who ask, how come everyone is so worked up over this? Isn't this 1070 law just a state-based mirror of the federal immigration rules -- rules that the feds aren't enforcing?
In 1070 undocumented immigration is a crime and is dealt with through the courts. But according to the US federal system, immigration violations are not crimes but civil offenses dealt with through an administrative procedure.
1070, if it ever goes into effect, would create even more chaos in the already over-loaded Arizona judicial and prison systems. In other words, if you are a Mexican, even with legal standing, but you get caught up in the sweeps, you could end up in trouble with the law -- and in jail -- before you're able to prove your legality. If I were a Mexican and the opportunity to go to another state arose -- I'd be very tempted to take it, too.
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