> Five billion people in the world have a mobile device. About 90% of the global population has GSM coverage. I'm trying to figure out how to best use this in global Christian leadership formation. Check out this introduction to mLearning ~ link (.pdf)
> Getting a wi-fi connection in Japan can be a challenge. ~ link
> Google Groups has undergone a make-over. ~ link
> Google also introduced an update to the Chrome Browser, the new Chrome Web Store, and the new Chrome OS. They've been busy. ~ link
> Lots of cool resources for the new Roman Catholic Mass. Some free downloads -- music. Protestants will be able to utilize lots of this. I am especially impressed with the bilingual Spanish/English arrangements. ~ link
> "...In some respects, people living in New York City have more in common with people in Paris, Beijing, and Toyko, than they do with those living in a small, Midwestern town in the United States..." ~ J.D. Payne in Discovering Church Planting
> I'm so happy, so very happy...
"...People who frequently attend church and other places of worship are happier than those who attend less frequently. Lim and Putman say respondents' happiness comes from building friendships in a close-knit social circle around common religious beliefs — not necessarily from the content of said beliefs. “Our evidence shows that it is not really going to church and listening to sermons or praying that makes people happier, but making church-based friends and building social networks there,” Lim said. ~ CT> Dan Whitmarsh reviews Stephen Lawhead's latest book, The Skin Map ~ link
> Last night I received an email (spam) from "Dr. Gene A. Johnson, God's Apostle for Kingdom Business and Success." It starts out "Hi Unknown Unknown..." Does this guy sound like a success guru or what?
> Since 2009 the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) has started 101 new "works." ~ link
> The AP Stylebook has added 42 new guidelines for social media. ~ link
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