Tuesday, January 4


> "Russian immigrants absolutely powerless to foreign laws" -- almost as powerless as they are in their own country. Pravda is still a propaganda machine at times. ~ Pravda

Genevieve Roberts: "English dictionaries are groaning with new words, while other tongues are dying out." Corpus has doubled in size in last century to 1,022,000 words in the language. That's a lot of flash cards if you're trying to learn vocabulary. ~ link

Physicians using webcams to make house calls ~ link

Kindle books can now be loaned out. But it's still not satisfactory -- still too restrictive. We're often paying more for an eBook version than a printed paper version and then we're not able to do as much with it as we could with a paper version. I use a Kindle reader on the PC and my phone -- but their whole approach has soured me a bit to Amazon. ~ link

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