Saturday, January 18

Rudy Carrasco points to this story from the San Franciso Chronicle. Apparently some Hispanics are embracing Islam as a reaction to perceived failures in Christianity. The problem with these stories in this era of heightened awareness of Islam is that they tend to give the impression that Islam is growing at a phenominal rate and is overshadowing Christianity. Not that I want to play "my religion is bigger than your religion" -- but such is not the case, as has been pointed out so well by Philip Jenkins -- "As the media have striven in recent years to present Islam in a more sympathetic light, they have tended to suggest that Islam, not Christianity, is the rising faith of Africa and Asia, the authentic or default religion of the world's huddled masses. But Christianity is not only surviving in the global South, it is enjoying a radical revival, a return to scriptural roots..." See also this interview with Jenkins.

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