Sunday, January 19

Tomorrow is significant in the Turlock area because it will be the first day this year in which we will have 10 or more hours of sunlight. Of course, this is assuming that we will see the sun at all. The end of December and all of January are pretty gray months here with ground fog ("tule fog") locking up the valley. Occasionally it will burn off for an hour in the afternoon -- but mostly it is gray and damp. A ten mile drive east of town, starting to climb into the Sierra Nevada foothills will often take you out of the fog. But mostly we just live with it. I'm ready for it to be over. And indeed in a week or two -- maybe three -- this whole winter thing will be gone. The leaves will return to the almond trees. The blooms will pop out by the end of Febraury and we'll be looking a lot more like California than England. I better get to pruning the apricot and cherry trees this week. Time is quickly running out. Yes!!!

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