Sunday, March 9

"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The online diaries known as Weblogs, or "blogs," seemed like a lot of inconsequential chatter when they surfaced a few years ago.

"But as more people have embraced the concept, what once seemed like a passing fancy has morphed into a cutting-edge phenomenon that may provide the platform for the Internet's next wave of innovation and moneymaking opportunities.

"'Just like the Internet was 10 years ago, blogging is popular with an underground culture that is doing it for the love and passion," said Tony Perkins, who edited the recently folded Red Herring technology magazine and last month launched a business blog called Always On Network."...

"'This is the 'eBayization' of the media,' (Tony) Perkins said. 'You create a compelling arena and then let the real entertainment come from the participants themselves.'" Read the whole story

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