Sunday, March 9

Rick Lindholtz reports that 8-10 protestors from the Fred Phelps group showed up this morning to picket in front of the Lutheran church where he is on staff. Rick says, "They had brightly colored signs that said 'Your Pastor is a liar', 'Fag Church', 'Thank God for Sept 11' and the like, and the objectionable 'logo' that appears in several places on their website. They didn't say anything to anyone, just stood out there with their signs. Four of them sang gospel quartet songs - I wondered if the disconnect between their songs and their signs was as totally unconscious as it seemed to be."

Then Rick adds, "Oh yeah, one of their signs made a contemptuous reference to the ELCA." The protestors didn't budge when they were told that the church isn't associated with the ELCA but is a part of the more conservative Missouri Synod.

Idiocy and hate often go together.

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