Monday, June 9


It's not really a big surprise. Any Anglican watcher knew it was bound to happen probably sooner than later. Episcopalians in the U.S. have been hell bent on implosion since the 60's. But it was still a shock when on Saturday the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire elected a practicing homosexual, Gene Robinson, as bishop coadjutor. Of course, all elections of bishops have to be ratified by the House of Bishops in their denomination. Many are expecting the House to give Robinson their blessing. Link

All of this has created quite a stir within the worldwide Anglican Communion (which outside the US, Canada, U.K., New Zealand, Australia, and Brazil is orthodox and theologically conservative. The communion's numerical strength is in Asia and Africa). Link

The American mess comes on the heals of the authorized blessing of a homosexual union in a Vancouver, B.C. parish and the announcement that a homosexual has been nominated to become the Bishop of Oxford in England. Then, further raising the blood pressure of conservatives, the Archbishop of Canterbury (himself a supporter of homosexual unions) has been catching flak as it emerged that a recently appointed bishop in England has been in a homosexual relationship for decades. Talk about screwed up!

Sadly, all of this will probably out of necessity result in the break-up of the Anglican Communion. The Kingdom of God will move forward without them.

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