Monday, September 1

In the 70's and early 80's I lived off and on in the Phoenix area. And I remember that one of the largest and most hopping of the Charismatic churches in town was the independent Valley Cathedral. Over the years this church has gone through significant change. It's still good sized (but not as large as it was) and it is still somewhat Charismatic in style. But the neighborhood has changed and the white middle class constituency has moved further out. The church has begun to make the transition to being multi-cultural. And they've become more traditional and connected with the church as a whole. Last night they took another step toward connectivity. Four of their pastors were ordained in the Anglican Mission in America (a group of Episcopalians operating under the authority of the Anglican churches of Rwanda and Singapore).

To someone who saw them in the 70's this is truly amazing. Perhaps some of us really do grow up.

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