Friday, February 20

(Friday) Now the City and County of San Francisco is suing the State of California over the whole marriage thing (the gall!). Apparently they believe that the state law and the plain and clear affirmation of that law which was passed four years ago in Proposition 22 ("Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.") is unconstitutional because it discriminates in a way that is contrary to the state constitution. Well, it does discriminate -- against same sex couples, polygamous groups, dogs and cats which might want the benefits of matrimony, and I'm sure lots of others. But it is definitely a stretch to say that such discrimination is contrary to the constitution as it has been traditionally understood.

If I were of a militaristic bent I would call on the governor to send in the National Guard to restore order in the city. (I would have probably done so years ago.) However, this issue is not going to resolve so simply. This thing is bound to keep lots of lawyers employed for lots of years.

Of course, pastors will be under a lot of pressure to preach sermons against the liberal agenda and to organize the church to take a political stance. But I don't feel called to turn the church into just another political action group (regardless of how strongly I feel about the issue). Besides, it really won't make much difference anyway. The majority has already spoken and in our system the courts easily trump the people. Sometimes that's good and sometimes it's bad -- dangerously so.

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