Tuesday, May 4

(Tuesday) It turns out that the abuse of Iraqi prisoners reported the other day was not a totally isolated case. More such cases are surfacing and more soldiers are now facing court martial charges.

President Bush needs to appear on Iraqi television immediately to make an apology to the Iraqi people. He needs to personally and humbly explain that these soldiers will be punished and that this isn't an acceptable way for Americans (or anyone!) to act. If this isn't done quickly in a very transparent manner he can pretty much write off any of the small amount of good will that we've gained in Iraq (if there is any left!).

Likewise, after these offending soldiers and their supervising officers are convicted (and before they are sent to prison -- or whatever it is that will happen to them) these soldiers need to appear on Iraqi television to make a public apology to all the people.

Leave it to us Americans to shoot ourselves in the foot (or both feet). It is no wonder that the rest of the world perceives us as wild and out-of-control cowboys.

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