Tuesday, July 6

(Tuesday) Cheryl and I made key lime pie tonight -- yumm... I noticed while out cutting the lawn and pruning in the back today that three or four more key limes have germinated. However, I don't think we'll be able to raise them to maturity in this cold climate (It was 101 yesterday and 95 today. But we get too many frost days in winter to sustain key limes without a lot of tender loving care). I'll give it a shot, though... Cheryl spent a lot of the day trying to slay bureaucratic lions related to a couple of insurance issues. I don't know how people survive without a super smart wife with chutzpah... Kent is excited because the ESPN all-poker channel is showing a new series of matches. What he sees in that I don't know. But he is a working man putting in his 40+ hours with Gibbs Maintenance so I'll cut him some slack... Kirk is still trying to figure out the details for Argentina. He did find out that his host is a 70-something non-smoking woman who lives not-too-far from the university, There are also a bunch of other American students in the same program on his flight... Betsy has been enjoying sleeping in.

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