Tuesday, April 19

This evening we went for a value menu meal at the Monte Vista Crossing McDonald's. I had forgotten how stressful it is to eat at McDonald's -- it's the incessant beeping coming from the kitchen that boils my blood. It never ends and the employees have learned to tune it out.

But I'm not really writing to rant about the arches (hopefully some company hack will stumble across this and take note, though). While there we saw that the sign is up for El Pollo Loco -- right across the lot from McDonald's (resounding cheer!). Construction hasn't started, yet.

This is just one more sign that Turlock has "arrived" as a community. And now that the
Holiday Inn Express (which was anything but express in construction) is open people will have a place to stay when they come to town to eat at our El Pollo Loco.

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