Sunday, May 1

This evening we took a van load down to Fresno (about 70 miles south of Turlock) for Dan's graduation at Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary. It was really good. The speeches were not too painful -- the ceremony flowed -- and since there were only about 35 graduates they didn't have to rush through the presentation of the diplomas. One innovation was the projection of each student's picture with a short message from them that was put up on the screens as the graduate received his/her diploma -- good use of the technology.

The primary speaker was Chris Erdman, pastor of University Presbyterian Church in Fresno. He's a very fine preacher -- a kind of cross between the late Ian Pitt-Watson (who was my preaching professor at Fuller) and Calvin Miller.

We have been sending Dan to MBBS for the past five years or so -- I've been a field ed supervisor and have met several of the faculty members. It's a great little school -- one of those well kept secrets.

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