Tuesday, May 3

+ While the US is throwing a hissy fit over immigration Canada is busy wooing Mexicans. Might they know something we don't know?

+ Chris Eerdman's commencement address from Dan's graduation is online.

+ Cheryl is working on getting more of her music online. In addition to registering with CCLI she now has a domain name -- CaminoMercedMusic.com. (It may not be active on all servers until tomorrow or so). More music will go up on the website over the next few weeks.

+ Interview with Fr Ian Boyd on continuing the legacy of GK Chesterton through the GK Institute for Faith and Culture.

+ The Webbys were announced today. Once again I was overlooked. But the good news is that there were more categories and more winners than in previous years. So there are lots of great sites to visit. Former vice-president Al Gore won a lifetime achievement award for inventing the Internet.

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