Thursday, June 2

> Romance has ruined marriage.

Garden report: Harvested the first two zucchini and the first three "grape" tomatoes tonight.

Also, last winter I had two very young Madagascar palms (not a true palm) get frosted. The first died. I was able to do some surgery on the second and I've been nursing it ever since. This afternoon I noticed that it has new shoots all up the trunk. Not only will it make it but it will have more leaves than before. Yeah! I actually picked up another one at a UC Riverside plant sale two months ago. And it's doing great, too.

"Now the LORD God had planted a garden...and there he put the man he had formed." (Genesis 2:8)

Finally, it looks like
porn sites will get their own .xxx extensions. This will further help to identify and screen out porn sites so that surfers don't accidentally end up there. Of course, it won't do a lot of good unless all porn merchants are mandated to use .xxx -- which they are not at this time. But creation of the top-level domain designation is a step in the right direction.

> Counterfeiting is the nail in the coffin on the Subway sandwich stamp promotion.

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