Wednesday, June 1

> In a quiet trend, dozens of churches have lost members to sudden defections during missions trips. The lure of carefree living, dirt-cheap costs and an exotic locale prove seductive even for stable church-goers. Believe it -- or not.

> I am happy to report that up to this point I have never lost sleep wondering who "deep throat" was -- and I lived through the Watergate fiasco. It's probably a good thing that we now know -- to keep things straight in the history books. But I'm not going to sleep any better -- although Mark Felt might.

SBC has lowered the cost of its low-end DSL to $14.95. It's not their fastest product but it's nothing to sneeze at -- especially if you are paying $20/month for dial-up! We have SBC in the church office and have been pleased with the service. This could kill a lot of the mom and pop ISP's which offer only dial-up. (Thanks, Eric!)

The more
visually oriented society becomes, greater is the role of words, according to Andy Crouch.

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