Monday, July 18

Monday Notes

Today was our third straight day in triple digits -- 103°. The weather people say that this trend won't last forever, though. It's suppose to cool down to 99° on Sunday.

Of course, we're not so bad off. The Arizona deserts have had an extended heat wave where the days are topping 110° (that's when it starts to get uncomfortable). My pastor friend Scot Gillan in Tucson sent email saying that today was their 35th straight day in triple digits.

In Palm Springs today it was 120°!

And while it's not quite as hot there, the Gulf Coast has been having plenty of unstable weather. The tornado picture by Steve Rutherford was taken three days ago in Punta Gorda Isles, Florida.

Weather discomfort is relative.
Does evangelical worship turn us into liars? (Warning: This is another rant on the shallowness of the music used in evangelical worship. S. M. Hutchens is not very flexible -- but he's also not TOTALLY out in left field.)
Google has purchased -- online proprietors of customizable attire and postage stamps. I wonder how much the sound of a company's name plays into Google's strategy -- Google, Zazzle, Keyhole... At least Picasa, Blogger, and Hello don't end in le.
Birds imitating cell-phone ring tones. I wouldn't mind having a cell phone ring tone that mimics a cardinal, or perhaps a finch. If I were feeling really feisty I might set the phone to mimic a parrot.
We had a great service remembering Ev Honnette this morning. Prior to the memorial service we did a brief graveside service. This was a first for me -- not doing a graveside service, I've done scores before -- but doing one over a grave which the family itself had dug. There were not any grave diggers available so the children and grandchildren went out early on Saturday morning and dug the grave themselves. I'm sure this wouldn't be allowed in most places but the Denair Cemetery is a small community cemetery run by an association -- many of whom are neighbors of each other. Small town.
Worth a glance -- Terry Mattingly's column -- The Popes and Evolution, part I

1 comment:

Laura Springer said...

So, birds are doing ring tones now. I've noticed for some time that there are birds in my area doing car alarms. Very odd.