Sunday, July 10

Sunday Notes

I hadn't noticed before but there is a link to a video clip from the PBS emergent story (under the picture of Doug Pagitt sitting on the stool)
Uwe Siemon-Netto, who was in Washington on 9-11 was also in London during the bombings this week. He observes: There were similarities and differences between the ways the two capitals reacted to these hideous but well-planned acts of war against all of Western society. The similarity was the visible determination, in London as in Washington, not to be cowed by Islamist fiends.

But here's the difference: in Washington, people poured into churches and synagogues. In London, they rushed to the pubs by the hundreds of thousands.
Jason Clark: I fear that no matter how much we change church to be relevant, to have a message compatible with our emerging cultural realities, with fluid space and places to connect it will never be enough for christians who have given up on church in some passive-aggressive consumerist withdrawal... Link

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SillyBahrainiGirl said...
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