Wednesday, November 30

Leaving Limbo?
There are signs that the Roman Catholic Church is getting ready to abandon or modify their informal teaching on Limbo. Limbo (or more technically "Limbus") is the "edge" existence between heaven and hell -- the place where unbaptized babies and the mentally incompetent end up. While they do not have any personal guilt -- they are still subject to the consequences of original sin. They don't deserve hell but they aren't good enough for heaven -- to put it crassly.

Neither Protestants nor Eastern Orthodox Christians hold to such teaching. Not only is it lacking in substance, biblically speaking, but it is based on an elaborately concocted system which over defines original sin and relies on a system of merit for eternity. The gracious and merciful nature of God gets lost in an attempt to systematically define the means of God's grace. In lay terms, they can't see the forest for the trees.

Now, while it is common for the RC church to refer to Limbo it isn't actually a part of the official teaching of the church. That is, it wouldn't take much to alter the course on this one. And what I suspect they'll do is return to an earlier more agnostic version of the teaching which simply says that only God knows the fate of those infants who die without the benefit of the grace dispensed through the church's sacraments.

That is still too mechanical but at least it's a move in the right direction.

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