Tuesday, February 28

Some of the schools in the California State University system (Cal State) will for the first time be offering doctoral degrees starting next year. The campuses in Fresno, Fullerton, Long Beach, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, and San Francisco will start doctor of education programs (EdD) in 2007. In 2008 Bakersfield, East Bay, Los Angeles, Northridge, San Jose, and Stanislaus will also be offering the degree.

Until SB 724, enacted in September 2005, removed the restriction, the only public universities authorized to offer doctoral degrees on their own were those in the University of California system. The UCs are still the only state run schools offering PhD, MD, DDS, OD, JD, DrPH, DMA, and DVM degrees. (And there might be a few other more obscure doctoral programs floating around in the UC system.)

At this point the only doctoral degree to be offered in the Cal State system will be the EdD.

We have two state run university systems in California. The University of California has more emphasis on research and graduate study. The California State University system is more oriented toward providing accessible education and the main focus tends to be undergraduate studies -- although there are many great master's programs.

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